This is Why You Can’t Eat Fruits

Sweet, tangy, sour, and juicy are some of the words we think of when we eat fruits, but if you suffer from Oral Food Allergy or Pollen- food allergy, you are not able to experience these tastes and flavors. For starters, you cannot eat raw fruits or vegetables. That’s right, fresh apples, watermelon, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes... are all off the menu. You know that itchiness in your mouth or swelling of your throat, you are having an allergic reaction to the fruit and if you keep eating you may even start vomiting.  

What is an allergy? An allergy is when your immune system reacts to a substance entering your body that is usually not damaging to your body. That substance is known as an allergen. Most of us are familiar with the top allergens such as peanuts and shellfish... Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction that occurs with the introduction of an allergen. If you suspect you are allergic to a particular food, Do Not Eat It!  

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, it is common to experience pollen-food allergies. The reason for this is the proteins in fruits are like the proteins in pollen. But don’t be dismayed, there is hope. You may be able to successfully reintroduce fruits. Try eating fruits outside of the hay fever season. Peel fruits before eating them. Reintroduce fruits one at a time, this way if you are having an allergic reaction to the fruit, you will know exactly which one it is.  

So, there you have it, raw fruits and vegetables are off your menu for now.  


Frothingham, S. (2019, January 25). Fruit allergy: Symptoms, diagnosis, and foods to avoid. Healthline. Retrieved June 25, 2022, from 

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Food Science and Technology. (n.d.). Allergenic foods and their allergens, with links to informal. FARRP. Retrieved June 25, 2022, from,and%20throat%20are%20commonly%20observed

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (n.d.). Oral allergy syndrome (OAS). American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology. Retrieved June 25, 2022, from


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